
Mostrando entradas de abril 27, 2020


THE HISTORY OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES Today, we are asking you to watch a short video on YouTube which tells us a little more about The History of The Olympics, and some of the more important aspects of them. First, we would like you to watch the video  at least  twice, looking at the images, listening to the story, and also using the subtitle option if you wish. After you have finished you will have two tasks… THE HISTORY AND SYMBOLS (ENLACE) Task One   The first thing we want you to do is design a front cover  (una portada) with the simple title “The Olympic Games” and your name. Think about the font, the size and the position of the letters, as well as the images you want to use. You can do this using a Word document.   Task Two   We want you to write a summary of the video  using your own words  and put  it in a Power Point presentation which will include a title, text and images. We know some of you can add musi...