Today, we are asking you to watch a short video on YouTube which tells us a little more about The History of The Olympics, and some of the more important aspects of them. First, we would like you to watch the video at least twice, looking at the images, listening to the story, and also using the subtitle option if you wish. After you have finished you will have two tasks…
A guide and hints
The Ancient Olympic Games
Greece Olimpia Zues 4 years 393AD Truce
One event Later more events Nude
Today, we are asking you to watch a short video on YouTube which tells us a little more about The History of The Olympics, and some of the more important aspects of them. First, we would like you to watch the video at least twice, looking at the images, listening to the story, and also using the subtitle option if you wish. After you have finished you will have two tasks…
Task One
The first thing we want you to do is design a front cover (una portada) with the simple title “The Olympic Games” and your name. Think about the font, the size and the position of the letters, as well as the images you want to use. You can do this using a Word document.
Task Two
We want you to write a summary of the video using your own words and put it in a Power Point presentation which will include a title, text and images. We know some of you can add music and use effects, so feel free to do so. To help you we have created a guide and some hints. It is a good idea to also make your own notes. You can also investigate further on any aspect you find especially interesting and include it in your presentation.
The Ancient Olympic Games
One event Later more events Nude
The Start of The Modern Olympic Games
1500 years later 1894 International Olympic Committee
Athens 1896 Baron Pierre de Coubertín
Countries, athletes and sports Women 1900
Athens 1896 Baron Pierre de Coubertín
Countries, athletes and sports Women 1900
The Olympic Games Now
Winter Games Summer Games Parallel Olympics
Youth Games Medals Different Cities
Rings Colours Flags Continents
Rings Colours Flags Continents
The Spirit of The Olympic Games
Torch/Flame Prometheus Journey from Olimpia
Opening Ceremony Closing CeremonyPeace Unity
Friendship Participation
Ok, folks! Go for it! And enjoy!
- 1. Trabajáis en vuestros documentos (uno de Word y el otro de Power Point), y cuando estén hechos los guardáis en vuestro ordenador, los nombres de los archivos deben tener vuestro nombre delante y luego el de la ficha, por ejemplo: MARÍA 6ª - Cover or MARÍA 6ª -Summary
- 2. Id al canal de Teams de: The Olympic Games – Literacy. Ahora los tenéis que guardar en VUESTRA CARPETA PERSONAL. Para ello, donde arriba pone: Publicaciones, Archivos, Notas, entráis en Archivos. Tendrá que haber una carpeta para cada un@ de vosotr@s, si no os la habéis creado todavía, pues hazlo por favor.
- 3. Entrad en vuestra carpeta. Arriba pone ‘Cargar’, dais ahí, buscáis los archivos en vuestro ordenador y le dais a ‘abrir’. Así se sube a vuestra carpeta.
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