The Closing Ceremony.. How much do you remember, how much do you know?

1) Where did the Olympic Games originate?

2) In what century were the first Olympics held?

3) In honour of which god?

4) In what year was the ancirnt tradition of the Olympic Games revived..the modern Games?

5) Who started the modern Olympic Games?

6) When were the first winter Olympics?

7) ...and the first Paralympics? 

8) How often do the Olympic Games happen?

9) What are the colours of the Olympic rings?

10) What do the rings represent?

11) Where is the Olympic torch lit?

12) Which country always leads the parade of athletes at the opening ceremony?

13) And which country is last in the parade?

14) What is the motto (lema) of the Olympic Games?

15) What was the first team sport to be included in the Games?

16) What is Eddie 'the eagle' Edwards' real name?

17) Which two athletes is the film Chariots of Fire about?

18) How many sports disciplines are there in the summer Olympics?

19) When were the Olympic Games held in Spain and in which city?

20) Fill in the missing letters to make five Olympic sports -
      T_ _k_ _ndo / F_ _ c_ ng / Tr_ _ _ h_ _n / _ad_ _ _ton /



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